which method of accounting is preferred for construction contracts?

Most other businesses offer fixed products or services from a fixed location at a fixed price. But, unlike other industries, construction https://www.newsbreak.com/@cnn-edits-1668599/3002242453910-cash-flow-management-rules-in-the-construction-industry-best-practices-to-keep-your-business-afloat businesses offer customized work in variable locations. Every job is different, which makes construction accounting… not a piece of cake.

In general, all costs that directly benefit or are incurred by reason of the performance of the long-term contract must be allocated to each long-term contract. If there is an expectation of a loss on a contract, record it at once even under the completed contract method; do not wait until the end of the contract period to do so. Recording losses at once represents the most conservative form of accounting, ensuring that financial statement users are aware of problems as soon as they arise. When contracts are of such a short-term nature that the results reported under the completed contract method and the percentage of completion method would not vary materially. Accrual accounting is a method of accounting where revenues and expenses are recorded when they are earned, regardless of when the money is actually received or paid. For example, you would record revenue when you bill for it, rather than when you get paid.

Accounting Methods for Long-Term Contracts: Completed Contract Method, Percentage of Completion Method

Unstable bottom lines can be perceived as signs of risks or inconsistencies. You shall make journal entries that are similar to when you are using the percentage of completion method. However, your entries will have an absence of revenue or gross profit recognition during the time the contract project is ongoing. A bonus of using the completed contract method of accounting is that error estimation is not necessary.

Accrual excluding retainage is similar to accrual; however, it has the advantage of not recognizing retainage until it is received. Retainage receivable is common in certain types for contractors, and this method helps to postpone paying tax on some income until the taxpayer receives the cash to pay the taxes. Under this method, retainage payable is also not recognized—so that should be considered when evaluating whether this method is appropriate. The completed contract method defers all revenue, expenses, and gross profits until substantial completion of the project.

Joint IASB-FASB discussion paper on revenue recognition

Having a backlog helps maintain or increase a deferral, while running out of work will cause the taxpayer to recognize the total deferral. There are several methods available to taxpayers that are exempt from using the percentage of completion for long-term contracts. When choosing the method to use, it is important to pick the method that could create the best tax deferral. Large contractors, who have an AAGR exceeding $10,000,000 for the prior three years, are required to report long-term contracts on POC for tax purposes. A contractor is exempt from using the POC for tax purposes if they meet either of two exemptions under IRC section 460-3. In the accrual method, expenses are recognized when “incurred,” and incomes are recognized when they are “earned.” It gives better clarity of the project’s financial status than the cash method.

What is the appropriate method of accounting for a contractor?

The four most common accounting methods used for contracting and construction companies are the cash method, the accrual method, the completed contract method (CCM), and the percentage of completion method (PCM). Job costing is considered an essential practice in contracting and construction accounting.

Accounting information is guided by various principles, assumptions and qualitative characteristics. Describe the requirements under GAAP related to channel stuffing practices on financial statements. Evaluate the requirements under GAAP, related to channel stuffing practices on financial statements.


So one key difference between the two methods is that invoicing occurs with the percentage of completion method, whereas with the completed contract method, invoicing does not exist. Completed contract method allows taxpayers to defer the taxes in the year in which the contract is completed. However, the expenses directly related to the jobs are also deferred until the end when the contract is completed. The downside of the completed contract method is a contractor could end up completing several jobs in one year which could result in an unexpected jump in the contractor’s tax bracket.

which method of accounting is preferred for construction contracts?

Under IRC Section 460 defines a “construction contract” as any contract for the building, construction, reconstruction, or rehabilitation of, or the installation of any integral component to, or improvements of, real property. Specifically excluded from construction contracts real property requirements are; vessels, offshore drilling platforms, or natural products of land that have not been severed. Moreover, a construction contract involves the installation of an integral part of real property. IRC Section 460 differentiates between two types of long-term contracts; construction contracts and manufacturing contracts. A construction contract deals with real property and a manufacturing contract relates to personal property.

Requirements for the Completed Contract Method

The radical balance sheet and financial statement fluctuations experienced from the surge of contracts finishing simultaneously is one downside of the completed contract method. In most cases, contractors prefer the completed contract method because it lets them defer taxable income for longer, but there are a few downsides to switching from PCM to completed contract method. A contract with minimal construction activities is not classified as a construction contract if the estimated costs attributable to construction activities are less than 10% of the total contract price.

which method of accounting is preferred for construction contracts?

As such, pursuant to this income conformity rule, a contractor with an audited financial statement may no longer avail themselves of the accrual less retainage method of accounting for its short-term contracts. The alternative minimum tax has been eliminated for C Corporations after 2017. You have a construction contract worth $4 million to be completed over 3 years. Your actual costs for the 1st year turned out to be $300,000, which is less than 10% of the total estimated costs, so you did not report income or deduct expenses for that 1st year.