Marriage between partners of roughly similar age is known as “age homogamy”. Some men believe in the ideology that young women are more inclined toward short-term relationships and do not expect much to come out of them. Thus, if he is not so serious either and finds a young lady on the same page, then indulging in an affair would be ideal. Most men who get into a relationship with younger women have either been through a rough divorceor had a bitter fallout with their significant other. Thus, dating a younger woman is kind of a rebound to get over that bitter experience.

  • They most likely will have some not so kind words at first, but if he’s a good guy it will pass.
  • Thinking that your much younger love would wait for you 7 years and would cross the country just to use you as her escape, from her problems, is a fact that requires a very macho ego.
  • This is a question you should consider no matter the age, sex, religion or other differences in your sexual mates.
  • So I’m a 25 year man and wound up with a girlfriend that is 54.
  • Get prepared to learn to fight back the attacks of all your nearest.
  • The odds are good that some people are going to disagree with your choices in romantic partners, no matter how perfect your relationship is.

I don’t think that dating outside of your age group is a crime (of course, if you are not 30!), but outside of that I always preferred older men. Somehow we got that connection, and I think that dating more mature people is good for your personal development. As a businesswoman, I tend to overthink every step. Since dating guys in their 20s is unbearable for me, I prefer dating older men. So far we don’t have any problems with my current boyfriend.

Why men choose a woman 15 years younger?

One day I asked her why she maintains a relationship with me. She is young very good looking, she could easily find someone else.

“I would apprehensive of dating a younger woman seriously now.'”

Both of use are physically fit and take care of our bodies. We watch our diet and push ourselves and each other to our limits physically and relationally. We both know what we want and we both pursue what is important to us to our absolute fullest. Love and relationship have never been something that either of us have taken lightly. Our families came to accept our love quickly because of these traits. We did lose the majority of our friends, but in retrospect we agree that they were people we probably would have strayed from anyway. We don’t seem to garner the stares and rude remarks that other people have said they experience.

Can a relationship with a younger woman last?

This really irritates me and also upsets me. I am madly in love with him and at the same time I just wanna punch him in the face like a fbi agent. We are currently in Florida for my sisters 18th birthday we’re so broke that we’re staying at my grandmothers house. I’ve never brought a guy over to her house besides when I Got married and then we were at our house. I’m definitely one of them type of people I do not like public displays of affection I really would not care even if he was Brad Pitt. I also was abused as a child my stepfather beat my mother.I just have a little trust in it and he’s already broke my trust in so many ways. His own sister said that he is sounds like he’s gone AWOL in needs rehab.

Older men have had their share of life experiences and relationships and have a clear idea of what to do and not do in a relationship. Younger women tend to admire this trait in them as it brings in a sense of security and assurance. When partners are of the same age or have a minimum age gap, they may not like to have someone who is always preaching. But younger partners would want to learn and would not deny listening to practical lessons for life.

Age is really just a number is up to the people and what they prefer and who are we to judge. I AM FINALLY HAPPY AND WAITED TOO LONG TO BE. But atleast i will die happy and the only thought that kills me slowly is leaving him…..

Being in a relationship is one of the most incredible feelings; relationships are also a time of stress. This article is about how to break the touch barrier, deeming the right opportunity of when it is suitable in the relationship to make your move. Yeah, dating a younger woman can be difficult, especially if she’s a college student.

This man makes me the happiest I have ever been, he is loving, caring, protective and wants to provide me with the very best…He would take a bullet for me. I don’t understand why people are so concerned about what others think…so much to overlook the happiness and wellbeing of their own daughter!

After being lost in my thoughts for so long, they gave me a unique insight into the dynamics of my relationship and how to get it back on track. One thing you’re going to have to face head on is the expectations of people around you. When you meet her parents, make sure you demonstrate your maturity and find a way to connect with them in an authentic way.

Hi my name is mouse and I’m 17 years old. I will be 18 in a month and then the situation might not seem as dangerous. But right now it’s gotten to the point where my family members might find out and I’m so scared to lose him.